What is Verbs?

A verb is a word that describes an action, state, or occurrence. Verbs are one of the main parts of speech in a sentence and are essential for expressing what happens in a sentence.

क्रिया एक ऐसा शब्द है जो किसी क्रिया, स्थिति या घटना का वर्णन करता है। क्रियाएं एक वाक्य में भाषण के मुख्य भागों में से एक हैं और एक वाक्य में क्या होता है उसे व्यक्त करने के लिए आवश्यक हैं।

Types of Verbs

1. Action Verbs:

Indicate an action (e.g., run, jump, write).
किसी क्रिया को इंगित करें
* Example: She runs every morning.

2. Linking Verbs:

Connect the subject to a subject complement, often describing a state of being (e.g., is, seem, become).
विषय को किसी विषय पूरक से जोड़ें, जो अक्सर अस्तित्व की स्थिति का वर्णन करता है
* Example: He is a doctor.

3. Helping (Auxiliary) Verbs:

Assist the main verb to form a verb phrase (e.g., have, do, will).
क्रिया वाक्यांश बनाने में मुख्य क्रिया की सहायता करें
* Example: She has finished her work.

4. Modal Verbs:

Express necessity, possibility, permission, or ability (e.g., can, may, must).
आवश्यकता, संभावना, अनुमति या क्षमता व्यक्त करें
* Example: You must complete the assignment.

Verb Forms:

Base Form: The root form (e.g., walk).
Past Tense: Indicates an action that happened in the past (e.g., walked).
Past Participle: Often used in perfect tenses (e.g., walked).
Present Participle/Gerund: The “-ing” form (e.g., walking).

Exercise 1: Identify the Verb

Directions: Underline the verb in each sentence.

  1. She runs every morning.
  2. They are watching a movie.
  3. The cat slept on the couch.
  4. He will finish his homework tonight.
  5. She has been studying all day.

Exercise 2: Action vs. Linking Verbs

Directions: Identify whether the verb is an action verb or a linking verb.

  1. The soup smells delicious.
  2. She drives to work every day.
  3. He is a teacher.
  4. They feel tired after the workout.
  5. The flowers bloom in the spring.

Exercise 3: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Verb Form

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. She ______ (run) every morning.
  2. They ______ (eat) dinner when the phone rang.
  3. He ______ (read) the book yesterday.
  4. By this time tomorrow, they ______ (arrive) at the airport.
  5. She ______ (finish) her work before the meeting.

Exercise 4: Subject-Verb Agreement

Directions: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.

  1. The dog (bark/barks) at strangers.
  2. She (go/goes) to the gym every day.
  3. The students (was/were) excited about the trip.
  4. He (has/have) a lot of work to do.
  5. The book (is/are) on the table.

Exercise 5: Past Tense Conversion

Directions: Convert the following sentences into the past tense.

  1. She writes a letter to her friend.
  2. They eat breakfast together.
  3. The children play in the park.
  4. He drives to work every day.
  5. I watch TV in the evening.

Exercise 6: Future Tense Practice

Directions: Rewrite the sentences in the future tense.

  1. She walks to school.
  2. They study for the exam.
  3. The cat sleeps on the bed.
  4. He finishes his homework.
  5. I clean my room every Saturday.

Exercise 7: Present Continuous Tense

Directions: Change the following sentences into the present continuous tense.

  1. She writes a report.
  2. They watch a movie.
  3. The dog barks at the mailman.
  4. He reads a book.
  5. I cook dinner for my family.

Exercise 8: Irregular Verbs

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the given irregular verb.

  1. She ______ (go) to the store.
  2. They ______ (see) the movie last night.
  3. He ______ (take) the train to work.
  4. We ______ (give) him a gift.
  5. I ______ (do) my homework.

Exercise 9: Modal Verbs

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb (can, may, must, should, would).

  1. You ______ finish your homework before playing.
  2. She ______ be late to the meeting.
  3. They ______ go to the party if they finish their work.
  4. ______ I borrow your pen?
  5. He ______ drive when he turns 18.

Exercise 10: Verb Tenses (Mixed)

Directions: Identify the tense of the verb in each sentence.

1. She is cooking dinner.
2. They have finished their project.
3. He will call you later.
4. The dog barked at the stranger.
5. I have been studying allnight.

Exercise 11: Verb Forms (Past Participle)

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct past participle form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. She has written three books.
  2. They have seen that movie twice.
  3. He has taken the test before.
  4. We have gone to that restaurant many times.
  5. I have done my homework.

Exercise 12: Passive Voice

Directions: Change the sentences from active voice to passive voice.

  1. A letter is written by her.
  2. Dinner is eaten by them.
  3. The mouse is caught by the cat.
  4. The car is washed by him.
  5. The lesson is explained by the teacher.

Exercise 13: Gerunds

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct gerund form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. She enjoys swimming in the ocean.
  2. They are interested in learning new languages.
  3. He is good at playing the guitar.
  4. We talked about traveling to Europe.
  5. I love reading books.

Exercise 14: Infinitives

Directions: Complete the sentences using the infinitive form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. She wants to go to the party.
  2. They decided to take a trip.
  3. He needs to finish his homework.
  4. We plan to visit the museum.
  5. I hope to see you soon.

Exercise 15: Verb-Noun Agreement

Directions: Choose the correct verb to match the subject in each sentence.

  1. The team plays well together.
  2. The group of students is going on a trip.
  3. The books were on the shelf.
  4. The dog and cat fight all the time.
  5. The news is surprising.

Exercise 16: Present Perfect Tense

Directions: Convert the sentences to the present perfect tense.

  1. She has written a letter.
  2. They have watched a movie.
  3. He has read the book.
  4. We have eaten dinner together.
  5. I have finished my homework.

Exercise 17: Negative Sentences

Directions: Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.

  1. She is not going to the store.
  2. They have not finished their project.
  3. He will not call you later.
  4. The dog did not bark at the stranger.
  5. I have not been studying all night.

Exercise 18: Question Forms

Directions: Convert the following sentences into questions.

  1. Is she cooking dinner?
  2. Have they finished their project?
  3. Will he call you later?
  4. Did the dog bark at the stranger?
  5. Have I been studying all night?

Exercise 19: Verb Collocations

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb to complete the collocation.

  1. She made a decision.
  2. They made an appointment.
  3. He made a promise.
  4. We made a mistake.
  5. I took a nap.

Exercise 20: Causative Verbs

Directions: Rewrite the sentences using a causative verb (have, get, make).

  1. She had her room cleaned.
  2. They got the car fixed.
  3. He had the report written.
  4. We got the house painted.
  5. I had dinner cooked.

Exercise 21: Verb-Adverb Agreement

Directions: Choose the correct adverb to complete each sentence.

  1. She sings beautifully.
  2. He runs quickly.
  3. They worked hard.
  4. The sun shines brightly.
  5. The dog barked loudly.

Exercise 22: Conditional Sentences

Directions: Complete the conditional sentences with the correct verb form.

  1. If she studies more, she will pass the exam.
  2. If they went to the party, they would have fun.
  3. If he had called earlier, I would have answered.
  4. If we leave now, we will be on time.
  5. If I knew the answer, I would tell you.

Exercise 23: Reported Speech

Directions: Convert the direct speech into reported speech.

  1. She said (that) she was going to the store.
  2. He said (that) he had finished his homework.
  3. They said (that) they would call you later.
  4. She said (that) she had seen the movie.
  5. He said (that) he was reading a book.

Exercise 24: Verb Conjugation Practice

Directions: Conjugate the verb in parentheses to match the subject and tense.

  1. She was happy yesterday.
  2. They are eating lunch now.
  3. He goes to the gym every day.
  4. We will have finished our project by tomorrow.
  5. I am studying for the test right now.

Answers: Exercise 1
1 runs
2. are watching
3. Slept
4. will finish
5. has been studying

Answers: Exercise 2
1. smells (Linking)
2. Drives (Action)
3. is (Linking)
4. Feel (Linking)
5. Bloom  (Action)

Answers: Exercise 3
1. runs
2. were eating
3. Read
4. will have arrived
5. had finished

Answers: Exercise 4
1. barks
2. Goes
3. Were
4. Has
5. is

Answers: Exercise 5
1. wrote
2. Ate
3. Played
4. Drove
5. watched

Answers: Exercise 6
1. will walk
2. will study
3. will sleep
4. will finish
5. will clean

Answers: Exercise 7
1. is writing
2. are watching
3. is barking
4. is reading
5. am cooking

Answers: Exercise 8
1. went
2. Saw
3. Took
4. Gave
5. did

Answers: Exercise 9
1. must
2. may
3. Can
4. May
5. will

Answers: Exercise 10
1. is cooking(Present Continuous)
2. Have finished (Present Perfect)
3. Will call (Future Simple)
4. Barked (Past Simple)
5. Have been studying  (Present Perfect Continuous)

Answers: Exercise 11
1. written
2. seen
3. taken
4. gone
5. done

Answers: Exercise 12
1. is written
2. is eaten
3. is caught
4. is washed
5. is explained

Answers: Exercise 13
1. swimming
2. Learning
3. Playing
4. Travelling
5. Reading

Answers: Exercise 14
1. to go
2. to take
3. to finish
4. to visit
5. to see

Answers: Exercise 15
1. plays
2. is
3. were
4. fight
5. is

Answers: Exercise 16
1. has written
2. have watched
3. has read
4. have eaten
5. have finished

Answers: Exercise 17
1. is not going
2. have not finished
3. will not call
4. did not bark
5. Have not been studying

Answers: Exercise 18
1. is, cooking
2. Have, finished
3.Will, Call
4. Did, bark
5. Have, Studying

Answers: Exercise 19
1. made
2. made
3. made
4. made
5. took

Answers: Exercise 20
1. had
2. Got
3. Had
4. Got
5. had

Answers: Exercise 21
1. beautifully
2. quickly
3. hard
4. brightly
5. loudly

Answers: Exercise 22
1. Studies
2. went
3. Had called
4. leave
5. knew

Answers: Exercise 23
1. was
2. Had finished
3. would call
4. Had seen
5. was reading

Answers: Exercise 24
1. was
2. are eating
3. goes
4. will have finished
5. am studing

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