What is Conjunction?

A conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. Conjunctions help in forming complex sentences and clarifying the relationship between different elements of a sentence. They are essential for the structure and coherence of written and spoken language.

संयोजन भाषण का एक हिस्सा है जो एक वाक्य के भीतर शब्दों, वाक्यांशों या उपवाक्यों को जोड़ता है। संयोजक जटिल वाक्य बनाने और वाक्य के विभिन्न तत्वों के बीच संबंध स्पष्ट करने में मदद करते हैं। वे लिखित और बोली जाने वाली भाषा की संरचना और सुसंगतता के लिए आवश्यक हैं।

Types of Conjunctions:

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

These conjunctions join words, phrases, or clauses of equal grammatical rank. The most common coordinating conjunctions can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS:
(ये संयोजन समान व्याकरणिक स्तर के शब्दों, वाक्यांशों या उपवाक्यों को जोड़ते हैं)

  • For
  • And
  • Nor
  • But
  • Or
  • Yet
  • So

1. She likes to read, and she also enjoys writing.
2. I wanted to go for a walk, but it was raining.

2. Subordinating Conjunctions:

These conjunctions connect a dependent clause to an independent clause, showing a relationship such as cause and effect, contrast, or time.
(ये संयोजन एक आश्रित उपवाक्य को एक स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य से जोड़ते हैं, जो कारण और प्रभाव, विरोधाभास या समय जैसे संबंध दर्शाते हैं)

  • Because
  • Although
  • Since
  • Unless
  • When
  • While
  • If

1. I will call you when I arrive home.
2. Although it was raining, they went for a walk.

3. Correlative Conjunctions:

These conjunctions work in pairs to join words or phrases of equal importance.
(ये संयोजन समान महत्व के शब्दों या वाक्यांशों को जोड़ने के लिए जोड़े में काम करते हैं)

  • Either…or
  • Neither…nor
  • Both…and
  • Not only…but also
  • Whether…or

1. She is not only smart but also kind.
2. Either we go now, or we wait until tomorrow.

Conjunctions are crucial for the flow of sentences, helping to clarify the relationship between different ideas and ensuring the text is coherent and logical.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with appropriate Conjunctions

1. I want to buy a new car, ____ I don’t have enough money.
2.  She studied hard, ____ she didn’t pass the exam.
3.  We can go to the beach ____ stay at home.
4.  He was tired ____ he went to bed early.
5.  I like coffee ____ I don’t like tea.
6.  She was not only a great teacher ____ also a wonderful mentor.
7.  You must finish your homework ____ you go out to play.
8.  He ran quickly ____ he missed the bus.
9.  We will wait here ____ you come back.
10. She is very intelligent, ____ she is modest.
11.  I will buy either the red shirt ____ the blue one.
12. He didn’t see the sign, ____ he drove through the intersection.
13.  You can come with us ____ stay here.
14.  She is not only smart ____ also kind.
15.  They can go to the movies, ____ they can go out for dinner.
16.  We were late ____ there was a lot of traffic.
17.  He didn’t eat breakfast, ____ he was hungry.
18.  She wants to go to the party, ____ she has to study.
19.  I would like to visit Japan, ____ I don’t know when.
20.  She is both talented ____ hardworking.


  1. but
  2. but
  3. or
  4. so
  5. but
  6. but
  7. before
  8. but
  9. until
  10. and
  11. or
  12. so
  13. or
  14. but
  15. or
  16. because
  17. so
  18. but
  19. but
  20. and

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