What is Noun?

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

संज्ञा वह शब्द है जो किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु या विचार का बोध कराता है।

Examples of Nouns:

  • People – Rahul, Sheela, Man, Person, Tommy, Women, Girl, The Prime Minister
  • Places – Bangalore, India, Mexico, North Pole, Classroom, Bedroom, Basketball Court, Swimming Pool
  • Animals/Birds/Aquatic Animals/Reptiles – Lion, Zebra, Snake, Ostrich, Flamingo, Bear, Cat, Fish, Shark
  • Ideas – Evolution, Invention, Extinction, Argument, Destruction
  • Objects/Things – Bat, Cycle, Curtains, Paper, Bag, Blackboard, Cupboard

Types of Nouns

1. Common Noun

General names for a person, place, thing, or idea. (किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु या विचार के सामान्य नाम)


  • I bought a pencil yesterday. (Common object)
  • I am going to market. (Common place)
  • Only ten employees showed up to work today. (Common group)
  • The car is out of fuel. (Common items)

2. Proper Noun

Specific names of people, places, or organizations (लोगों, स्थानों या संगठनों के विशिष्ट नाम)


  • My name is Dazy. (Name of a particular person)
  • This is my dog, Bruno. (Name of a specific pet animal owned by someone)
  • Ramesh came back from London. (Name of a specific place)

3. Concrete Noun

Names of things that can be perceived by the senses (इन्द्रियों द्वारा ग्रहण की जा सकने वाली वस्तुओं के नाम)


  • The book is on the table.
  • I had a cup of coffee.
  • Mary opened the windows.

4. Abstract Noun

Names of ideas, qualities, or states that cannot be seen or touched (विचारों, गुणों या अवस्थाओं के नाम जिन्हें देखा या छुआ नहीं जा सकता)


  • Love is a strong emotion.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • You should not misuse the freedom you are given.

5. Countable Noun

Names of things that can be counted. (गिनायी जा सकने वाली वस्तुओं के नाम)


  • Tom brought ten packets of lays for the trip.
  • Mom asked me to buy a dozen eggs.
  • I saw an aeroplane around seven in the morning.

6. Uncountable Noun

Names of that cannot be counted. (ऐसी चीज़ों के नाम जिनकी गिनती नहीं की जा सकती)


  • I have a lot of homework to do.
  • I have a cup of tea.
  • We are facing terrible weather today.

7. Collective Noun

Names for a group of things or people (चीज़ों या लोगों के समूह के नाम)


  • pride of lions
  • flock of sheep
  • band of musicians
  • pair of shoes
  • bunch of grapes

8. Compound Noun

A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words that function as a single unit to name a person, place, thing, or idea. The two words can be combined in various ways.
यौगिक संज्ञा दो या दो से अधिक शब्दों से बनी संज्ञा होती है जो किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु या विचार का नाम देने के लिए एकल इकाई के रूप में कार्य करती है। दोनों शब्दों को विभिन्न तरीकों से जोड़ा जा सकता है:

1. Closed Compound Nouns: The words are written together as a single word.
Examples: toothpaste, basketball, bedroom

2. Hyphenated Compound Nouns: The words are connected by a hyphen.
Examples: mother-in-law, well-being, six-pack

3. Open Compound Nouns: The words are written separately but are understood as a single noun.
Examples: coffee table, post office, high school

Also Read:

What is Prepositions?
What is Adverb?
What is Adjectives?

Exercise  – Identify the Type of Noun

Read the following sentences and identify the type of noun used.

1. Kolkata is the capital of West Bengal.
2. The Royal Bengal Tiger is found in the Sunderbans.
3. The jury gave a unanimous verdict.
4. Laughter is good for health.
5. The crowd is very big.
6. The elephant is an intelligent animal.
7. The Ganges is a sacred river.
8. The bravery of the soldier saved the day.
9.  I bought furniture for my new house.
10. King Solomon was very wise.


  1. Kolkata, West Bengal – Proper Noun
  2. Royal Bengal Tiger, Sunderbans – Proper Noun
  3. Jury – Collective Noun, Verdict – Abstract Noun.
  4. Laughter, health – Abstract Noun
  5. Crowd – Collective Noun
  6. Elephant, Animal – Common noun
  7. Ganges – Proper Noun, river – Common Noun
  8. Bravery – Abstract Noun, Soldier, Day – Common Noun
  9. Furniture, house – Common Noun
  10. King Solomon – Proper Noun

Exercise  – Abstract vs. Concrete Nouns

  1. She has a lot of talent (___).
  2. The mountain (______) is covered in snow (_____).
  3. Love () can change a person (_____).
  4. Music (_____) brings joy (_____) to many people.
  5. The computer () is on the desk (_____).


  1. talent (A)
  2. mountain (C), snow (C)
  3. love (A), person (C)
  4. music (C), joy (A)
  5. computer (C), desk (C)

Exercise  – Collective Nouns

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collective noun.

  1. A _______ of birds flew overhead.
  2. The _______ of students attended the lecture.
  3. A _______ of fish swam in the ocean.
  4. The _______ of bees made honey.
  5. The _______ of soldiers marched in unison.

Answers :

  1. flock
  2. class
  3. school
  4. swarm
  5. troop

Exercise  – Compound Nouns

Identify the compound nouns in the sentences and state whether they are closed, hyphenated, or open.

  1. She put the toothpaste back in the cabinet. (___)
  2. He is a well-known author. (___)
  3. They met at the coffee shop for a meeting. (___)
  4. The sunflower bloomed in the garden. (___)
  5. My mother-in-law is visiting us this weekend. (___)

Answers :

  1. toothpaste (closed)
  2. well-known (hyphenated)
  3. coffee shop (open)
  4. sunflower (closed)
  5. mother-in-law (hyphenated)

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