What is Prepositions?

What is Prepositions?

Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence. They often indicate direction, location, time, or method.

प्रस्तावना वे शब्द हैं जो किसी संज्ञा (या सर्वनाम) और वाक्य के अन्य शब्दों के बीच संबंध दर्शाते हैं। वे अक्सर दिशा, स्थान, समय या विधि का संकेत देते हैं।

Types of Prepositions:

1. Prepositions of Place:

Indicate location.
Examples: at, in, on, under, above, between, among.


The cat is on the table.
She lives in New York.

2. Prepositions of Time:

Indicate when something happens.
Examples: at, on, in, during, before, after.


The meeting is at 10 AM.
He was born in July.

3. Prepositions of Direction:

Indicate movement or direction.
Examples: to, towards, through, into, across.


She walked to the park.
He ran through the tunnel.

4. Prepositions of Method:

Indicate the manner or method.
Examples: by, with, on, via.


She traveled by train.
He wrote the letter with a pen.

5. Prepositions of Cause or Purpose:

Indicate reason or purpose.
Examples: for, because of, due to.


She is studying for her exams.
The game was canceled due to rain.

Also Read: What is Adjectives?

List of Most Popular Prepositions for Everyday Communication

AroundThroughOpposite toIn front of
Next toByUntilAbout

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions

1  The book is ________ the shelf.
2  We will meet ________ noon.
3  She traveled ________ car.
4  He walked ________ the park.
5  He fixed the car ________his own tools.
6  She traveled _________ train to the city.
7  The meeting is scheduled ________ Monday.
8  The dog ran ________ the bushes.
9  He stood ________ his friends.
10  The river flows ______ the valley.
11 I will be going _______ church ______the morning.
12 She placed the plates __________ the dining table.
13 Baskar found the cat hiding ______ the bed.
14 Will you be _______ Raimy or Mazeeka?
15 I love sitting ____the beach ______night.
16 Rachel met Phoebe ______ the lake.
17 Finn stood _________ Lisa.
18 The grocery store is right _______ the bus stop.
19 My brother climbed __________ the roof.
20 It feels great to sit ________ the trees and read.


1 at
2  in
3  on
4  to
5  with
6  by
7  for
8  between
9  among
10 through
11 to, in
12 on
13 under
14 with
15 on, at
16 by
17 opposite
18 in front of
19 onto
20 beneath

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